Confined Space Entry Training
1 Day (8 Hours)
Training Objective:

To instruct workers to follow safe entry procedures and develop a respect for the potential hazards involved. Confined space accidents can have severe consequences. With the proper training and by following safe work practices, these accidents can be eliminated.

Who Should Attend:

Required prior to initial assignment, change in assignment duties, and change in permit space operations that presents a hazard which the employee has not been trained.

Required for all who make entry or standby for the entry of another worker into a confined space.

Topics Covered:
  • OSHA Signage
  • Review confined space entry rules and regulations
  • Acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of duties assigned to them in confined space entry
  • Types of confined space hazards
  • Responsibilities and duties of the entry supervisor, authorized entrants and attendants, and rescue team
  • The components of the Confined Space Permit
  • Atmospheric testing protocol and interpretation of results
  • Methods for the control or elimination of any atmospheric hazards
  • Procedures employees must follow if a hazard is detected
  • The evaluation process to be used for re-entry if a hazard is detected
  • Emergency procedure(s)
  • Self and non-entry rescue